Monday, June 2, 2014

eBay Hits By Cyberattack

Recently, eBay has admitted that the popular e-commerce site has been hit by cyberattack which caused a part of its database to be compromised. The said database apparently contains encrypted passwords and other non-financial data. According to the company, the database was apparently compromised between later February and early March but only comes to limelight after eBay discovered that cyberattackers managed to get their hands on a set of employee log-in credentials two weeks ago which allowed unauthorized access to eBay’s corporated network. The contents of the database includes eBay customers’ name, encrypted password, email address, physical address, phone number and date of birth. As these information forms the foundation of one’s eBay account, so it is no brainer that eBay has asked all of its users to change their password even though the company has not detected any increase of fraudulent account activity on eBay so far. Even though the compromised database was apparently put on sale online, the company denied that it is authentic. At the same time, eBay also stated that it has not found any evidence that the cyberattack affected PayPal and has pointed out that PayPal’s data is not stored in the same network as eBay. If you ask me, you might as well change your PayPal password at the same time. So, do head on to eBay and change your password as soon as possible to avoid any unwanted access. For further information regarding the breach, check out this dedicated page by eBay.

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