Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Facebook Introduces Anonymous

You know how annoying it is when you wish to login into an app or a website using your Facebook account, but in order to do so, you will need to grant them access to a whole bunch of personal information and permission to post on your behalf? It looks like Facebook wants to put that to a stop. The social network recently introduced two new features – Anonymous Login and Line by Line Control Facebook login. First up, as its name suggest, Anonymous Login allows you to log into a service using your Facebook account without granting any information at all. It’s an easy way for people to try out an app without revealing any personal information from Facebook. You can then decide whether or not to share additional information once you understand more about the app. Line by line control with Facebook Login on the other hand still allow apps to access your Facebook information, but you will get more controls over what they get to see. For example, if you think that the app only deserves to know your email address and nothing else (your birthday, public profile, friends list and such), you can do so with a couple of taps. Line by line login also prevents apps from posting on your behalf without your permission. Finally, Facebook also announced a redesigned app control for users to have a better way of controlling their Facebook-connected apps. The new dashboard allow users to see a list of apps they use, manage the permissions or remove the apps entirely. Anonymous Login is currently in testing phase, Facebook is currently testing with a few developers and will be opening up to more developers in the coming months. Line by Line Login on the other hand is almost ready and will be rolled out over the next few months. Finally, the ability to have more control over your own Facebook account, maybe then we’ll see less spams like game updates and invites made unintentionally, and the new dashboard will be rolled out over the coming weeks. Visit Facebook’s newsroom to find out more about these new features.

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